Monday, November 16, 2009

Asian Breast Aesthetic Symposium Held in Malaysia

I recently attended the first Asian Breast Aesthetic Symposium, with the theme “Taking it to the Next Level” held at the Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia last November 5 to 7, 2009. I had the honor to be one of three Filipino plastic surgeons to participate in this by-invitation only’ event which focused primarily on aesthetic surgery of the breast. The symposium included various lectures as well as live surgery on closed circuit video. Participants from Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Hongkong, China, India, New Zealand, Korea and the Philippines attended the event.

During the live surgery sessions, Dr. Charles Randquist (Sweden), Dr. Marco Faria Correa (Brazil and Singapore), Dr. Luan Jie (China), and Dr. Yoshinori Nagumo (Japan) demontrated a variety of surgical techniques in breast augmentation. Dr. Charles Randquist performed breast augmentation using the latest form stable cohesive silicone gel implants, using inframammary fold incisions. Dr. Marco Faria Correa used polyurethane breast implants with periareolar incisions. Dr. Luan Jie performed transaxillary dual plane breast augmentation with the use of an endoscope while Dr. Yoshinori Nagumo also used transaxillary incisions, but without the endoscope. Dr. Steven Teitelbaum and Dr. Arthur Swift were moderators as we participants were given the opportunity to interact with the surgeons while they performed these live operations.

Watching other surgeons perform their surgeries showed that there is not just one perfect way to do surgical procedures, and there are advantages and disadvantages for each of the various techniques. There were variations in the way the surgeons approach implant selection, patient markings, location of incisions, plane of dissection, dissection, equipment/instruments, antibiotics irrigation, use of drains, ways to help prevent complications. Each surgeon had his own technique which from experience gives him the least complications.

Aesthetic breast surgery is one of the most popular procedures in aesthetic surgery today and the symposium aimed to give participants a venue to learn the latest advances in this particular procedure. Among the topics covered were the aesthetics of the breast, factors in implant selection, advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques, cultural differences, minimizing scarring, ways to lower complication and reoperation rates, evidence based medicine and best practices for safe and predictable short and long term results with the least complications. The event allowed for discussion which concentrated on the many details of aesthetic breast surgery which otherwise cannot be covered by a less focused event which covers many other procedures.

Read more of these articles:
How to Select a Qualified Plastic Surgeon
The Cosmetic Surgery Scene in the Philippines
Please feel free to email Dr. Lasa if you have any questions.
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines
Information about procedures, prices, selecting a qualified surgeon
and having affordable cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines

Monday, July 27, 2009

13th Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Congress and ISAPS Course

I recently attended the 13th Annual Congress of the Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Held in conjunction with the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) Post Graduate Course, it took place in Istanbul, Turkey last June 19 -22, 2009. International delegates from Macedonia, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Greta Britain, Germany, Spain, Holland, Belgium, USA, Venezuela, Brazil, China, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and the Philippines participated in the four day event. The convention provided board certified plastic surgeons from these countries an excellent opportunity for sharing experiences and techniques with one another, giving valuable information about reducing risks and improving techniques.

The ISAPS Post Graduate Course was given by plastic surgeons well known for their contributions to aesthetic and plastic surgery. Live surgery sessions on rhinoplasty were done as well as interactive video sessions on brow lift, midface lift, face lift, mammaplasty, augmentation gluteoplasty, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and body contouring. The scientific program included topics on various non invasive techniques as well as the latest studies and updates in the field of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, giving insights about what is to come in this exciting field.

Read more of these articles:

How to Select a Qualified Plastic Surgeon
The Cosmetic Surgery Scene in the Philippines
Please feel free to email Dr. Lasa if you have any questions.
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines
Information about procedures, prices, selecting a qualified surgeon and having affordable cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Planning for Summer

As the new year begins, many of us make resolutions about diet and exercise, hoping to have a body ready for skin-baring summer time activities. Women, especially, worry about how to camouflage the perceived flaws in their bodies when they're in their beach wear. Indeed, it's always best to get into the discipline of a regular exercise routine and make efforts to have a good healthy diet, not only for aesthetic reasons. In fact, even people who want to undergo cosmetic procedures such as liposuction need to develop discipline to ensure the best results. Some resort to having cosmetic surgery such as liposuction to help them achieve the look they want. If a patient has an area in their body that exercise and dieting has been unable to reduce, this localized fatty deposit is perfect for liposuction. Although most patients for liposuction are women, this procedure is also popular among men.

The best patient for liposuction is
in good physical health, near their ideal body weight (only 10 or 20 pounds overweight) and have good skin elasticity. Liposuction is not a cure for obesity and there is a limit to the amount of fat tissue that can be removed safely from the human body. Patients may think that having liposuction will make them look like their ideal or give them a perfect body. They may think that they will be treated differently by people or that they will be happier after liposuction. Unfortunately, these are unrealistic expectations. Good results will help increase self-confidence but you won't necessarily get your ideal body. Nevertheless, liposuction can improve a persons silhouette or shape dramatically and if patient's expectations are realistic, they are most often very satisfied with the results of the procedure.

Read more of these articles:
How to Select a Qualified Plastic Surgeon
The Cosmetic Surgery Scene in the Philippines
Please feel free to email Dr. Lasa if you have any questions.
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines
Information about procedures, prices, selecting a qualified surgeon and having affordable cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines