When is the right time to undergo cosmetic surgery?
Many magazine articles nowadays encourage young patients to undergo cosmetic surgery at an earlier age. It used to be the case that patients started having facial rejuvenation surgery at the age of 4o years. However I now see patients who have such surgery in their mid-twenties and thirties. These articles claim that cosmetic surgery done at a younger age will have longer lasting results, and that major surgery at a later age will be prevented if little "nips and tucks" are done while the patient is younger.
There are many factors to consider in the timing of cosmetic surgery. Physical indications are the most obvious. However the presence of wrinkled sagging skin by itself is not sufficient for one to have cosmetic surgery. Emotional factors are important to consider. If the person is not bothered by the wrinkles and the eyebags, I see no reason to encourage them to have cosmetic surgery. I respect the decision of people to grow old gracefully. I do not have any business telling them that they should have rejuvenation surgery.
The support of one's spouse or family is also an important consideration. The results of cosmetic surgery may be "perfect," but if the spouse or family does not support the patient in his/her decision to undergo the surgery, the patient will not feel fully satisfied.
It is thus important to have a lengthy pre-operative consultation in order to determine whether or not a patient will benefit from cosmetic surgery. If a patient's expectations are unrealistic, I discourage the patient from proceeding with cosmetic surgery. For example, wives,who undergo cosmetic surgery so that their philandering husbands will leave their mistresses, will feel unsatisfied even if the surgical results are "perfect" if their husbands continue on with their philandering.
Please feel free to email Dr. Lasa if you have any questions.
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Hi. How much do u charge for a nose job?
Cosmetic surgery package fees vary according to patient's requirements for a nose job and preferences for anesthesia (local or intravenous) For a list of fees please visit http://www.cosmeticsurgeryphil.com/prices.htm
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