Monday, July 18, 2005

Consulting with a Qualified Plastic Surgeon

I always say that choosing the right surgeon is the single most important decision you will make regarding your cosmetic surgery. After you are satisfied that the surgeon you are considering has the training and experience, arrange for a consultation and find out if you are comfortable with your choice.

Find a plastic surgeon whom you feel comfortable with, and discuss your needs and expectations. Ask questions and be sure to have all the facts you need in order to make an informed judgement. Be skeptical of any doctor who seems to avoid talking about his or her training and professional qualifications.

Realize that pre- and post-operative photos of the surgeon’s patients can be useful in helping you understand the surgery but are no guarantee that your results will be similar. Every individual is different.

Beware of any doctor who tells you there are no possible risks involved in surgery. There are always risks, and these should be discussed frankly.

Never allow a doctor to talk you into any procedure you don’t want. A reputable plastic surgeon will let the patient suggest what he or she wants done and then advise them on what is or is not possible.

Don’t "bargain shop" for plastic surgery. The training and experience of your surgeon is the most important factor in the success of your surgery.

Read more of these articles:
How to Select a Qualified Plastic Surgeon
The Cosmetic Surgery Scene in the Philippines

Please feel free to email Dr. Lasa if you have any questions.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines
Information about procedures, prices, selecting a qualified surgeon
and having affordable cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines

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