Sunday, September 18, 2005

The New Cohesive Gel Implants

Cohesive gel implants are silicone gel implants. But unlike their predecessors, the filler in cohesive gel implants has a higher amount of "crosslinker," resulting in a firmer, gummy-bear consistency that does not wrinkle or deflate like saline, nor leak as easily as the more fluid filler of earlier-generation silicone implants.

Dr. Mark Solomon, a plastic surgeon and a spokesman for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons described it by saying that even if you cut through it, the gel does not leak out.

The cohesive gel implant has a more stable shape, and works well when implanted above the pectoral muscle. This eases post-operative pain. However, because of the firmer shape, it is necessary to make a larger incision to insert the implant, which is most often made under the crease of the breast. Cohesive gel implants are not recommended for those seeking especially large implants.

Read more of these articles:
More on Breast Augmentation
The Cosmetic Surgery Scene in the Philippines

Please feel free to email Dr. Lasa if you have any questions.

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