Saturday, March 06, 2010

Breast Augmentation Options

Anyone who does some research on Breast Augmentation will find out that there is a wide range of options available to a patient considering this procedure. Breast augmentation is definitely not a "one size fits all" procedure and for good results, a plastic surgeon must help his patient understand these options.

The choice of breast implants is based on a variety of factors. Her physical characteristics (body measurements, skin), patient preference for breast profile and budget are among the important factors to consider. There are so many implants available, made by various manufacturers, in different price ranges. The plastic surgeon must choose the proper implant to give the best results for his patient. Other decisions to make include where to make the incision (which determines where the scar will be), and what level to position the implant. The problem with doctors who practice plastic surgery without the proper training is that with their limited knowledge and experience, they may not be able to make the best decision about the different options available.

Plastic surgeons are not miracle workers and we cannot promise perfect results. Contrary to how media sometimes portrays plastic surgery, even the best surgeons can have some complications. Thus, the best plastic surgeons will not promise their patients a risk free operation. However, with their specialized training and years of experience, complications are usually minimized and dealt with accordingly if ever they occur. Less experienced doctors who lack the proper training may not be able to deal with complications properly. Also, every year, in the various international plastic surgery conferences, there are updates regarding minimizing complications. Many of these conferences are open exclusively to plastic surgeons.

Read more of these articles:
How to Select a Qualified Plastic Surgeon
The Cosmetic Surgery Scene in the Philippines

Please feel free to email Dr. Lasa if you have any questions.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines
Information about procedures, prices, selecting a qualified surgeon
and having affordable cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines

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