Saturday, August 27, 2005

Beauty and The Waist to Hip Ratio

According to The Evolution of Human Sociality by Stephen K. Sanderson, studies have shown that males prefer women with low Waist to Hip Ratios "in at least seven different cultures or ethnic populations," including the United States, England, Germany, India, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Guinea-Bissau. A WHR of 0.70 has been shown to be the predominant preferrence . Accoding to him, "Girls with lower WHRs show earlier pubertal endocrine activity, and married women with higher WHRs have more difficulty getting pregnant and give birth to their first child at a later age." In this case, it seems that beauty is once again related to fertility.

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How to Select a Qualified Plastic Surgeon
The Cosmetic Surgery Scene in the Philippines

Please feel free to email Dr. Lasa if you have any questions.

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and having affordable cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines

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