Wednesday, August 17, 2005

More Research findings: Beauty and Babies

There is evidence that our preference for beauty may be biologically ingrained. In an experiment done by Alan Slater, a developmental psychologist at the University of Exeter in south-west England, almost 100 newborn babies, an average of 2.5 days old, were shown photographs of pairs of faces which were matched in everything except attractiveness. The infants chose to stare at the face the psychologists judged as the attractive face rather than the unattractive one.

The research showed that while it has been suggested that humans determine their concept of attractiveness based on the "average" of all the faces they see, and that features that are most close to the human average in size and shape are the most attractive, it is interesting that the newborn infants, with their very limited exposure to various human features still chose to look at the more attractive of two faces.

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